Josh is a big Star Trek (the original series) fan, and the St. Louis Science Center currently has a fun Star Trek exhibit. We ventured out today to check it out, and we splurged and bought photos.
The picture above has nothing to do with Star Trek. The Science Center straddles a major highway and has a bridge with windows in the floor where you can look down at the passing cars. Also fun: the radar/speed guns you can point at cars along the highway!
Of course we had fun exploring the gift shop.
We saw the Star Trek exhibit, then headed outside to eat a picnic lunch before returning for more Science Center fun. Admission to the general exhibits is always free, so you can come and go from the building as you like, and with the Science Center located in Forest Park -- a rambling urban park that also includes our fantastic zoo -- there are plenty of good picnic spots.
The planetarium at the Science Center.
Walking the corridors.
The bridge over the highway!
You can only see his lower half, but Megan is standing next to a life-sized robotic T-Rex who is just about to chow down on his lunch. Megan asked if the dinosaur was going to eat us and was a little scared at first but couldn't take her eyes off this exhibit. She kept drifting back to it.
No photos allowed in the Star Trek exhibit, but Josh took pictures outside the entrance.
We let Megan get something from the gift shop. She chose a little bag of colored stones she selected herself.