Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy birthday to Josh

Josh's birthday was one week ago. We celebrated with an ice cream cake from Aldi.

Megan makes sure we properly celebrate birthdays around here.

Licking the icing off the birthday candle.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Life as a big sister

Megan brought "Teddy" home from preschool last week. The kids in the class take turns bringing him home, and he has a little journal where families can write about their adventures with Teddy. He went for a ride in our swing, of course, and we also took him to library story time. 

Hello Kitty dress for playing dress up: 50 cents at a garage sale.

I love taking pictures of Abigail when I go in her room to get her up from naps.

Megan really wanted her picture taken while she sat side-saddle on her bike.

Here's my sleeping baby who has learned how to roll over. It's common to walk in and find her sleeping with her feet poking through the crib slats.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

First taste of baby cereal

Abigail had her first taste of baby rice cereal on Easter evening. (The Easter Bunny brought her the cereal!)

 Big sister was eager to assist with the feeding.

Checking out the spoon.

Abigail loves to chew on her feet. Soggy socks are the norm around here.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

All my doves in a row

The birds think Megan's swing set is the perfect perch.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Preschool Party

Megan's preschool had an Easter party today. Here she is before leaving the house this morning, with her bucket for collecting goodies. 

Pretty bunny barrette received last year from my mom.

 The kids had an egg hunt!

Megan's class, plus a couple of siblings, with the Bunny himself. 

Megan and Abby with the Bunny. This is a great improvement over last year when Megan cried in my arms when we approached the mall Easter Bunny.

Abby enjoyed feeling the Bunny's fuzzy face and probably would have tasted him if given an opportunity.

Megan in the Bunny's lap. Did I mention this is a great improvement over previous years? Megan told me she wasn't scared this year because she had a little sister to sit with. My heart promptly melted. 

Center time at preschool. They made a playhouse out of two big folding tables covered with paper and little Easter lights and Megan spent a lot of time playing under there. 

Play dough with Easter cookie cutters.

Sitting with her basket while everyone takes turns handing out goodies. In an effort to reduce the sugar content in the goodie baskets, Megan gave out little play dough containers.

Abby got fussy on the sidelines while the goodies were being doled out, so I stuck her in this boat and took a picture. She thought the steering wheel looked tasty.

Back home with the loot.