Friday, July 29, 2011


The temperature has regularly climbed to triple digits for the past two weeks or so here, so when Megan's big swimming pool sprung a leak at the start of the crazy hot weather, I figured a new pool would be a good investment. We bought this one on sale at Kmart along with a fishy inner tube, an addition Megan was very excited about. Josh and I took turns joining her in the pool the first day, and she was very excited about that, too. 

This was the reading on our indoor/outdoor weather station last week. The bottom number is the outdoor temperature, and that's even in the shade. Yes, it was 101 degrees! We had a heat-related power outage for four hours the day before this. It was only 100 degrees outside then!

This was the pavement temperature on our driveway, according to Josh's car.

We hosted Grandma Mary and Grandpa Mike for dinner this week because their kitchen is being completely remodeled. Megan helped me make a no-bake cheesecake and got to lick the bowl afterward.

She was pleased with herself when she figured out how to sit on her fish inner tube like people do in a lazy river!

Here's Megan's latest "preschool" work. In addition to leaving the usual crayons, blank sheets of paper, and coloring books out for Megan to use whenever she wants, I've started keeping a drawer in our china cabinet full of preschool activity pages. With Josh getting ready to go back to school (he had AP Government training all this week), we've had some time in the mornings to do a worksheet or two if Megan is up to it. This page is from a Sesame Street workbook, and I've posted pictures from some of her work in this book before. Today, she tried her hand at tracing letters. I did the letter "r" to show her how it was done, and she did the rest. I thought she did pretty good for having little prior practice. She gets really excited when she does something new well, too!

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