Monday, May 23, 2011

17 weeks

Here's me at 17 weeks, with a small bump.

Josh had his friend, Mark, the best man in our wedding, over for dinner and video games on Friday. Mark brought an extra controller and let Megan play with it. Here are the three of them!

And last night Megan was in a silly mood so I asked her to make various faces while I took pictures. Here's her regular camera expression.

I asked her to make a sad face, and this is what she gave me.

Here's her happy face.

This was her surprised face.

I like her mad face!

Josh asked her to make a thinking face.

This was her confused face.

And then she took pictures of Josh and me. She got a little help aiming the camera.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Megan in disguise

This is perhaps the best free item Megan has scored to date simply by being little and cute at a garage sale.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Megan learns to swing

Megan learned how to pump and make the swing go all by herself. This makes life much easier for mom and dad. I wasn't expecting her to learn this quite so early. We are proud of her!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Visit from Aunt Jami

Josh's sister, Jami, is in town visiting. She and Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Bill brought Steak and Shake to the house for dinner this evening and we spent some time together.

 Megan really didn't want to smile for this picture. She wanted to get down and play with Aunt Jami's dog.

Megan and Scooter.

Megan "walked" Scooter all over the yard. He is the perfect-sized dog for a 3-year-old.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Our new backyard toy

Josh's mom and her husband wanted to buy something for the coming baby, but since we are pretty well stocked on the big things like a crib and changing table, they decided to get this swing set, with the idea that the baby, due in late October, will use it next spring when we put the baby swing on. They were nice enough to buy it this spring so Megan can enjoy it this summer. Josh and Grandpa Bill put it together in about three hours this past Saturday, and Megan loves playing with her new toy.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

15 weeks

Here I am, with a slight baby bump if you look at me from just the right angle.

Monday, May 2, 2011

So tall ...

Megan walked all over the driveway on these "stilts" the other day.