Thursday, June 30, 2011

Megan's first dentist visit

We took Megan to the dentist this morning. She did a great job letting them look at her teeth and brush them with a little toothbrush. She wasn't as cooperative when they brought out the spinny, electric toothbrush, and we decided to skip the fluoride application because by that point she was about ready to be done in the chair, but she didn't do too bad for a first visit. She looks more nervous in this first photo than I think she really was. They also gave her a pair of cheapy sunglasses to wear if she didn't want their bright light shining in her eyes. She got to pick out a new toothbrush and a sticker afterward, so she was a happy camper. And no cavities!


  1. Such an adorable girl! I remember my daughter when she went to the dentist office for the first time. She was a bit frightened because she didn't know what to expect that time. But after the procedure, she began to love the dentist office more. She's even excited for her second dentist trip this coming November!

  2. Megan’s so charming! While other children cry on their first dentist visit, there she goes, posing for pictures on the dental chair! I hope that kids her age would be as brave as her. Dentists are our friends, there’s no reason to fear them.

  3. Really? Megan looks nervous on the first photo? I think she’s just putting up a face or making different expression or poses. I’m sure that on her next visit to the dentist, she’ll be more comfortable, and all what needs to be done can be done.

  4. lucky dentist, nice short little skirt on should be easy to see her p---y

  5. Oh if I were the doc believe me vag action would be happening. Mommy wanna dress her girl like a skank why not treat her like one?
