Thursday, April 5, 2012

(Exploding) Empty-Tomb Biscuits

Megan and I made empty-tomb biscuits last weekend. They're a good object lesson for Easter. Refrigerated biscuit dough is wrapped around a marshmallow before being baked. The marshmallow melts and leaves a hollow space, just like Christ's empty tomb. Above, Megan is dipping marshmallows in cinnamon and sugar. 

Marshmallows dipped in cinnamon and sugar, ready to be wrapped in biscuit dough. Please pardon the old ugly cookie sheet.

Biscuits, ready to go in the oven. 

Versions of this recipe are all over the Internet, but the particular recipe I consulted did not mention how important it is to place biscuits crease-side down on the cookie sheet. Several biscuits opened during baking and oozed molten marshmallow everywhere, including on my oven wall. 

Nevertheless, the end result was tasty. 

Megan, displaying the hollow inside of a biscuit. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Jesus. Megan is pretty. she looks,the same,age,as my sister. I bet shes has a hot little pussy to.
    i d love to fuck her to
